1-on-1 Acupressure Sessions
Acupressure is similar to acupuncture, but instead of using needles, light pressure of the hands are used for healing. Through the process of holding potent energy points that are connected to the body’s twelve organ meridians (energetic pathways) this stimulates endorphins, the body’s “feel good” hormones to restore balance in your overall health. One of the best ways to receive customized healing that focuses deeply on your unique health goals and challenges is to sign up for a 1 on 1 acupressure healing session. The best way to reinforce the healing benefits of acupressure is to have regular ongoing treatments by purchasing a package. I recommend packages for 1 on 1 sessions because I believe that in order to meet your health goals that it takes commitment and the gift of investing in yourself. Health is wealth and you’re worth it!!
In an acupressure session, I will check in with you about your health challenges and your intentions/ goals for your session. Next, I will read your pulses, look at your tongue and face to guide and inform your treatment plan in order to help you move from feeling imbalanced to balanced. Because health challenges have a compound effect, packages are an ideal solution to supporting long-term optimal health and wellness.
In my acupressure sessions, I treat some of the following imbalances and health challenges:
- Fatigue
- Overcoming stress and anxiety
- Depression
- Insomnia
- Indigestion
- Constipation
- Diarrhea
- Pain management
- Boosting metabolism
- Strengthening the immune system
- Headaches
- Emotional balancing
I offer the following acupressure packages:
- Jump Start Your Wellness: 4 Sessions – $340
- Step Into Your Greatness: 6 Sessions – $510
- Maximize Your Wellness: 10 Sessions – $800
- Single Session – $90
Payment will be collected at the first session. I accept cash, checks, credit card or PayPal.